Technology Toolkit

Machine Reading Comprehension-based QA

This is Machine Reading Comprehension-based QA technology in the AI area among the seven technologies of Technology Toolkit 2021, an introduction to help you easily understand and use the major technologies that Samsung SDS R&D Center has been focusing on.

* Click Go to download the integrated version of Technology Toolkit 2021 that includes all the seven technologies.

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Tap the links below and read them carefully. By checking the boxes, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following terms:

  • This website (URL: and all of its associated web pages (collectively the "Site") is maintained by Samsung SDS, Inc. ("Samsung SDS"). The terms and conditions set forth below (the "Terms") govern you during your use or access of the Site and are legally binding on you. If you do not agree with any of the listed conditions, do not access or otherwise use the Site or any information contained on the Site. YOUR USE OF THE SITE SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR AGREEMENT TO EACH OF THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW. Samsung SDS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of these Terms, at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the changes.

    General Use Restrictions

    Unless otherwise noted, all content on the Site, including but not limited to information, documents, texts, products, services, programs, trademarks, logos, icons, graphics, images, illustrations, designs, photographs, video and sound clips (collectively "Materials") are copyrighted or trademarked by, and are the intellectual property of, Samsung SDS. Although you may download or copy Materials from the Site for your personal use, Samsung SDS retains all trademark right and copyright on all Materials on the Site, unless otherwise noted. Any unauthorized use of any Materials contained on the Site may violate U.S. and international copyright laws, trademark laws, privacy laws and/or communications statutes.
    As long as you comply with the Terms, Samsung SDS grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to enter and use the Site and display the Materials only on your personal computer for your personal use in connection therewith. You agree not to use the Materials for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Samsung SDS. Moreover, without limitation, you agree not to reproduce, re-distribute, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any information contained in the Materials to anyone, including others in your company or organization. You may not post content from the Site to news groups, mail lists, or bulletin boards. You acknowledge and agree that, except as set forth herein, you have no right to modify, delete, edit, alter or enhance any of the Materials in any manner. You agree not to "frame" or "mirror" any Materials or third-party content contained on the Site on any other server or internet based device without the prior written permission of Samsung SDS. This limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these terms. Upon termination you agree to immediately destroy all copies of the Materials, including any printed or downloaded Materials.
    The Site may be linked to other websites on the World Wide Web or Internet which are not under the control of or maintained by Samsung SDS. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Samsung SDS, and your decision to link to any third party websites is entirely at your own risk. You acknowledge that Samsung SDS is providing these links to you only as a convenience and that Samsung SDS is not responsible for, and does not make any representations or warranties regarding, the content or accuracy of the contents of such websites.
    Certain areas of the Site are password restricted to authorized users ("Restricted Areas"). If you are an authorized user of the Restricted Areas, you agree that you are entirely responsible for the confidentiality of your password and account information and agree to notify Samsung SDS immediately if your password is lost, stolen, disclosed to an unauthorized third party, or may have been compromised. You agree that you are entirely responsible for any and all activities which occur under your account, including any fees which may have been incurred under your password protected account whether or not you are the individual who undertook such activities. You agree to immediately notify Samsung SDS of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security in relation thereof known to you.
    You acknowledge that the Site may include certain inaccuracies or typographical errors which may affect the quality of Materials and third-party content accessible through the Site. You acknowledge that such Materials or third-party content may not have been independently verified or authenticated in whole or in part by Samsung SDS, and agree that Samsung SDS does not warrant their accuracy or timeliness, and further agree that Samsung SDS has no liability for any omissions therein.
    Samsung SDS does not provide services to users under 14 years of age.

    Submission Policy

    Samsung SDS is pleased to hear from its users and welcomes your comments regarding Samsung SDS's services and products, and may from time to time request certain feedback or content from you, such as on message boards or in connection with contests ("Solicited Submissions"). Nevertheless, Samsung SDS's long-standing company policy does not allow it to accept or consider creative ideas, show designs, photographs, drawings, or original artwork, suggestions for new products or product improvements, suggestions for technologies, methods, techniques, processes, inventions, marketing plans, or any materials other than those it has specifically requested (see below) ("Unsolicited Submissions"). We hope you will understand that it is the intent of this policy to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings when projects developed by Samsung SDS's or its affiliates' professional staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work. Accordingly, we ask that you do not send Samsung SDS any Unsolicited Submissions.
    Both Solicited and Unsolicited Submissions (collectively "Submissions") will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary in each instance. For purposes of this paragraph, all community content shall be deemed included in the definition of Submissions. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of Samsung SDS, and Samsung SDS shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submissions. Any Submission may be used by Samsung SDS without restriction for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast or posting, and you hereby irrevocably waive, release and give up any claim that any use of such Submission violates any of your rights, including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, patents, moral rights, privacy rights, proprietary or other property rights, publicity rights, or right to credit for the material or ideas. Samsung SDS shall have and is irrevocably granted the right, but not the obligation, to reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, broadcast, license, perform, post, sell, translate, incorporate, create derivative works from, distribute and otherwise use the Submission in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in perpetuity, without according you any compensation or credit. By making a Submission to Samsung SDS, you represent that such Submission is original with you and does not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third parties, including, without limitation, any intellectual property rights and rights of publicity and/or privacy. All Submissions to Samsung SDS shall be the sole property of Samsung SDS and will not be acknowledged or returned. You agree and understand that Samsung SDS is not obligated to use any Submission you and that you have no right to compel such use. You hereby acknowledge and agree that your relationship with Samsung SDS is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship, and that your decision to submit any material to Samsung SDS does not place Samsung SDS in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public with regard to your Submission. You understand and acknowledge that Samsung SDS has wide access to ideas, stories, designs, and other literary materials, and that new ideas are constantly being submitted to it or being developed by Samsung SDS's own employees. Many ideas or stories may be competitive with, similar or identical to your Submission in theme, idea, plot, format or other respects. You acknowledge and agree that you will not be entitled to any compensation as a result of Samsung SDS's use of any such similar or identical material. Finally, you acknowledge that, with respect to any claim you may have relating to or arising out of a Samsung SDS's actual or alleged exploitation or use of any material you submit to Samsung SDS, the damage, if any, thereby caused will not be irreparable or otherwise sufficient to entitle you to injunctive or other equitable relief or to in any way enjoin the production, distribution, exhibition or other exploitation of any production based on or allegedly based on the material, and your rights and remedies in any such event shall be strictly limited to the right to recover damages, if any, in an action at law.

    General Disclaimer

    The Materials contained on the Site are intended only for the convenience of Samsung SDS's customers. Samsung SDS grants you no license or property rights to any such Materials and does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the Materials or other items contained on the Site or any other server. Therefore, you are not to rely on any Materials provided in the Site unless you are expressly advised in writing by Samsung SDS that you may do so otherwise. Please do not rely upon or utilize the Materials to purchase, sell, trade, or transact in any securities. Any Materials on the Site do not constitute an offer by Samsung SDS of any of its securities nor does it constitute a request for an offer to buy any securities. Please do not make any investment decisions based upon the Materials provided herein.
    Unless otherwise noted, all services and Materials on the Site are provided on an AS IS basis, and Samsung SDS expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any of the services or Materials.

    Limitation of Liability

    To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Samsung SDS shall not be liable to you or any third-party claiming through you for any damage suffered as a result of your displaying, copying or downloading Materials from the Site. In no event shall Samsung SDS be liable to you or any third-party for any indirect, extraordinary, exemplary, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of data, revenue, profits or other economic advantage) however arising, whether for breach, tort, or otherwise, even if Samsung SDS has previously advised of the possibility of such possible damage.

    Local Laws

    If you use the Site from outside South Korea, you are entirely responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, including but not limited to the export and import laws of other countries in relation to the Materials and third-party content.

    Violation of Terms of the Site

    If you violate the Terms of the Site, Samsung SDS reserves the right to terminate service to you without further notice or explanation. Samsung SDS's preferred initial course of action is to advise you of your inappropriate behavior and advise you of any corrective action. However, flagrant violations of these Terms as determined by Samsung SDS in its sole discretion will result in immediate termination of service.
    Any action related to these Terms will be governed by Laws of South Korea without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. You agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Seoul Central District in the Republic of Korea for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to these Terms and/or your use of the Site. The failure of Samsung SDS to enforce any right or provision in these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Samsung SDS in writing. The Terms comprises the entire agreement between you and Samsung SDS and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements, if any, between you and Samsung SDS regarding the subject matter contained herein. Your use of the Site, however, is subject to the additional disclaimers and caveats that may appear throughout the Site.

    Contact Information

    For information about the Site or the Terms contained herein, please contact [Marketing] at All information you provide in any communication will also be covered by these Terms.
    Last Updated on: August 30, 2021

  • Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. (“Company”) is committed to protect our users’ personal information and also to comply with the relevant privacy laws. This page describes exactly how and why the Company collects and uses personal information from its users.

    1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

    - To provide resource materials

    2. Personal Information Collected

    - Required information: Name, Title, Email address, Contact Number, Company, Industry, Company Size
    ※ The company uses cookies to better user experience.

    3. Retention of Collected Information

    (1) Retention of information in accordance with the Company's policies:
    - Retained items: collected information under Article 1(1)
    - Reason for retention: To manage users’ activity history
    - Retention period: Until consent is withdrawn.
    (2) Retention of information as required under applicable laws and regulations
    If the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company will retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

    4. Refusal to Consent

    Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

    ※ Samsung SDS does not collect personal information from users under 14 years of age.
    ※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

  • Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. (“Company”)may transfer personal information with third parties overseas and process the information in servers located outside your country of residence.

    1. Information transferred

    - Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
    - Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
    ※ The company uses cookies to better user experience.
    ※ The required and optional information above includes not only the original information collected from users but also changes made to it.

    2. Countries to which personal information is transferred, when and how to transfer the information

    - Country to which personal information is transferred : Australia
    - Date and method of transfer: Transfer through network at the time of using internet related service provided via Samsung SDS website

    3. Name of the outside service provider receiving personal information

    Company: Oracle Corporation Data Center (Australia)
    - Contact

          Oracle Corporation
          Global Data Protection Officer
          Willis Tower
          233 South Wacker Drive
          45th Floor
          Chicago, IL 60606

    4. The service provider’s purpose of using personal information

    The Company transfers personal information to the outside service provider so that it can conduct the tasks required to provide the following services, and oversees them to ensure that the service provider complies with the relevant privacy laws:

    - To respond to and manage inquiries concerning the company, services/products, investment, career opportunities, website management.
    - To provide events and other services, and to carry out email marketing activities
    - To respond to event-related inquiries, confirm users’ identity for their participation in events, and prepare, conduct, review, and manage events based on customer requirements.

    5. The outside service provider’s retention period of personal information

    The Company shall retain the user’s personal information until consent is withdrawn. The Company shall immediately destroy the information upon withdrawal of consent. However, if the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company shall retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

    6. Refusal to Consent

    Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

    ※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

  • Collected personal information is transferred to third parties as below. Please read the following details carefully before agreeing.

    1. With whom we share your information

    - Members of Samsung SDS offices at home and abroad using internet relevant services provided by the Company’s website(
    - See Samsung SDS Korea and Global Offices

    2. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

    - Coordination and communication among members of Samsung SDS offices at home and abroad

    3. Items of personal information collected

    - Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
    - Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
    ※ The company uses cookies to better user experience

    4.  Retention of Collected Information

    (1) Retention of information in accordance with the Company’s policies:
    - Retained items: collected information under Article 1(1)
    - Reason for retention: To manage users’ activity history
    - Retention period: Until consent is withdrawn.

    (2) Retention of information as required under applicable laws and regulations
    If the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company will retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

    5. Refusal to Consent

    Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

    ※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

  • Please read carefully the following details on the collection and use of personal information before allowing to receive further communication from Samsung SDS.

    1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

    To send marketing materials such as news on latest releases of Samsung SDS solutions, events, and newsletters via email, and gifts.

    2. Items of personal information collected

    - Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
    - Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
    ※ We use cookies to improve your experience

    3. Retention of Collected Personal Information

    The Company shall retain the user’s personal information until consent is withdrawn. The Company shall immediately destroy the information upon withdrawal of consent. However, if the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, such information shall be retained for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

    4. You have the right to refuse to collection of information.

    There may be restrictions in receiving information on Samsung SDS solutions and events if user refuse to consent.

    ※ Please refer to the Privacy Policy available at Samsung SDS website( for more details on the collection and usage of personal information.

Terms of Use

This website (URL: and all of its associated web pages (collectively the "Site") is maintained by Samsung SDS, Inc. ("Samsung SDS"). The terms and conditions set forth below (the "Terms") govern you during your use or access of the Site and are legally binding on you. If you do not agree with any of the listed conditions, do not access or otherwise use the Site or any information contained on the Site. YOUR USE OF THE SITE SHALL BE DEEMED TO BE YOUR AGREEMENT TO EACH OF THE TERMS SET FORTH BELOW. Samsung SDS reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove any portion of these Terms, at any time. It is your responsibility to check these Terms periodically for changes. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the changes.

General Use Restrictions

Unless otherwise noted, all content on the Site, including but not limited to information, documents, texts, products, services, programs, trademarks, logos, icons, graphics, images, illustrations, designs, photographs, video and sound clips (collectively "Materials") are copyrighted or trademarked by, and are the intellectual property of, Samsung SDS. Although you may download or copy Materials from the Site for your personal use, Samsung SDS retains all trademark right and copyright on all Materials on the Site, unless otherwise noted. Any unauthorized use of any Materials contained on the Site may violate U.S. and international copyright laws, trademark laws, privacy laws and/or communications statutes.
As long as you comply with the Terms, Samsung SDS grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to enter and use the Site and display the Materials only on your personal computer for your personal use in connection therewith. You agree not to use the Materials for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Samsung SDS. Moreover, without limitation, you agree not to reproduce, re-distribute, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any information contained in the Materials to anyone, including others in your company or organization. You may not post content from the Site to news groups, mail lists, or bulletin boards. You acknowledge and agree that, except as set forth herein, you have no right to modify, delete, edit, alter or enhance any of the Materials in any manner. You agree not to "frame" or "mirror" any Materials or third-party content contained on the Site on any other server or internet based device without the prior written permission of Samsung SDS. This limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these terms. Upon termination you agree to immediately destroy all copies of the Materials, including any printed or downloaded Materials.
The Site may be linked to other websites on the World Wide Web or Internet which are not under the control of or maintained by Samsung SDS. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Samsung SDS, and your decision to link to any third party websites is entirely at your own risk. You acknowledge that Samsung SDS is providing these links to you only as a convenience and that Samsung SDS is not responsible for, and does not make any representations or warranties regarding, the content or accuracy of the contents of such websites.
Certain areas of the Site are password restricted to authorized users ("Restricted Areas"). If you are an authorized user of the Restricted Areas, you agree that you are entirely responsible for the confidentiality of your password and account information and agree to notify Samsung SDS immediately if your password is lost, stolen, disclosed to an unauthorized third party, or may have been compromised. You agree that you are entirely responsible for any and all activities which occur under your account, including any fees which may have been incurred under your password protected account whether or not you are the individual who undertook such activities. You agree to immediately notify Samsung SDS of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security in relation thereof known to you.
You acknowledge that the Site may include certain inaccuracies or typographical errors which may affect the quality of Materials and third-party content accessible through the Site. You acknowledge that such Materials or third-party content may not have been independently verified or authenticated in whole or in part by Samsung SDS, and agree that Samsung SDS does not warrant their accuracy or timeliness, and further agree that Samsung SDS has no liability for any omissions therein.
Samsung SDS does not provide services to users under 14 years of age.

Submission Policy

Samsung SDS is pleased to hear from its users and welcomes your comments regarding Samsung SDS's services and products, and may from time to time request certain feedback or content from you, such as on message boards or in connection with contests ("Solicited Submissions"). Nevertheless, Samsung SDS's long-standing company policy does not allow it to accept or consider creative ideas, show designs, photographs, drawings, or original artwork, suggestions for new products or product improvements, suggestions for technologies, methods, techniques, processes, inventions, marketing plans, or any materials other than those it has specifically requested (see below) ("Unsolicited Submissions"). We hope you will understand that it is the intent of this policy to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings when projects developed by Samsung SDS's or its affiliates' professional staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work. Accordingly, we ask that you do not send Samsung SDS any Unsolicited Submissions.
Both Solicited and Unsolicited Submissions (collectively "Submissions") will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary in each instance. For purposes of this paragraph, all community content shall be deemed included in the definition of Submissions. None of the Submissions shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of Samsung SDS, and Samsung SDS shall not be liable for any use or disclosure of any Submissions. Any Submission may be used by Samsung SDS without restriction for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast or posting, and you hereby irrevocably waive, release and give up any claim that any use of such Submission violates any of your rights, including, without limitation, copyrights, trademarks, patents, moral rights, privacy rights, proprietary or other property rights, publicity rights, or right to credit for the material or ideas. Samsung SDS shall have and is irrevocably granted the right, but not the obligation, to reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, broadcast, license, perform, post, sell, translate, incorporate, create derivative works from, distribute and otherwise use the Submission in any and all media, now known or hereafter devised, throughout the universe, in perpetuity, without according you any compensation or credit. By making a Submission to Samsung SDS, you represent that such Submission is original with you and does not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third parties, including, without limitation, any intellectual property rights and rights of publicity and/or privacy. All Submissions to Samsung SDS shall be the sole property of Samsung SDS and will not be acknowledged or returned. You agree and understand that Samsung SDS is not obligated to use any Submission you and that you have no right to compel such use. You hereby acknowledge and agree that your relationship with Samsung SDS is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship, and that your decision to submit any material to Samsung SDS does not place Samsung SDS in a position that is any different from the position held by members of the general public with regard to your Submission. You understand and acknowledge that Samsung SDS has wide access to ideas, stories, designs, and other literary materials, and that new ideas are constantly being submitted to it or being developed by Samsung SDS's own employees. Many ideas or stories may be competitive with, similar or identical to your Submission in theme, idea, plot, format or other respects. You acknowledge and agree that you will not be entitled to any compensation as a result of Samsung SDS's use of any such similar or identical material. Finally, you acknowledge that, with respect to any claim you may have relating to or arising out of a Samsung SDS's actual or alleged exploitation or use of any material you submit to Samsung SDS, the damage, if any, thereby caused will not be irreparable or otherwise sufficient to entitle you to injunctive or other equitable relief or to in any way enjoin the production, distribution, exhibition or other exploitation of any production based on or allegedly based on the material, and your rights and remedies in any such event shall be strictly limited to the right to recover damages, if any, in an action at law.

General Disclaimer

The Materials contained on the Site are intended only for the convenience of Samsung SDS's customers. Samsung SDS grants you no license or property rights to any such Materials and does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the Materials or other items contained on the Site or any other server. Therefore, you are not to rely on any Materials provided in the Site unless you are expressly advised in writing by Samsung SDS that you may do so otherwise. Please do not rely upon or utilize the Materials to purchase, sell, trade, or transact in any securities. Any Materials on the Site do not constitute an offer by Samsung SDS of any of its securities nor does it constitute a request for an offer to buy any securities. Please do not make any investment decisions based upon the Materials provided herein.
Unless otherwise noted, all services and Materials on the Site are provided on an AS IS basis, and Samsung SDS expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any of the services or Materials.

Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Samsung SDS shall not be liable to you or any third-party claiming through you for any damage suffered as a result of your displaying, copying or downloading Materials from the Site. In no event shall Samsung SDS be liable to you or any third-party for any indirect, extraordinary, exemplary, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of data, revenue, profits or other economic advantage) however arising, whether for breach, tort, or otherwise, even if Samsung SDS has previously advised of the possibility of such possible damage.

Local Laws

If you use the Site from outside South Korea, you are entirely responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, including but not limited to the export and import laws of other countries in relation to the Materials and third-party content.

Violation of Terms of the Site

If you violate the Terms of the Site, Samsung SDS reserves the right to terminate service to you without further notice or explanation. Samsung SDS's preferred initial course of action is to advise you of your inappropriate behavior and advise you of any corrective action. However, flagrant violations of these Terms as determined by Samsung SDS in its sole discretion will result in immediate termination of service.
Any action related to these Terms will be governed by Laws of South Korea without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. You agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Seoul Central District in the Republic of Korea for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to these Terms and/or your use of the Site. The failure of Samsung SDS to enforce any right or provision in these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Samsung SDS in writing. The Terms comprises the entire agreement between you and Samsung SDS and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements, if any, between you and Samsung SDS regarding the subject matter contained herein. Your use of the Site, however, is subject to the additional disclaimers and caveats that may appear throughout the Site.

Contact Information

For information about the Site or the Terms contained herein, please contact [Marketing] at All information you provide in any communication will also be covered by these Terms.
Last Updated on: August 30, 2021

Collect and Use of Personal Information.

Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. (“Company”) is committed to protect our users’ personal information and also to comply with the relevant privacy laws. This page describes exactly how and why the Company collects and uses personal information from its users.

1. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

- To provide resource materials

2. Personal Information Collected

- Required information: Name, Title, Email address, Contact Number, Company, Industry, Company Size
※ The company uses cookies to better user experience.

3. Retention of Collected Information

(1) Retention of information in accordance with the Company's policies:
- Retained items: collected information under Article 1(1)
- Reason for retention: To manage users’ activity history
- Retention period: Until consent is withdrawn.
(2) Retention of information as required under applicable laws and regulations
If the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company will retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

4. Refusal to Consent

Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

※ Samsung SDS does not collect personal information from users under 14 years of age.
※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

Store personal information in a secure data center overseas

Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. (“Company”)may transfer personal information with third parties overseas and process the information in servers located outside your country of residence.

1. Information transferred

- Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
- Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
※ The company uses cookies to better user experience.
※ The required and optional information above includes not only the original information collected from users but also changes made to it.

2. Countries to which personal information is transferred, when and how to transfer the information

- Country to which personal information is transferred : Australia
- Date and method of transfer: Transfer through network at the time of using internet related service provided via Samsung SDS website

3. Name of the outside service provider receiving personal information

Company: Oracle Corporation Data Center (Australia)
- Contact
      Oracle Corporation
      Global Data Protection Officer
      Willis Tower
      233 South Wacker Drive
      45th Floor
      Chicago, IL 60606

4. The service provider’s purpose of using personal information

The Company transfers personal information to the outside service provider so that it can conduct the tasks required to provide the following services, and oversees them to ensure that the service provider complies with the relevant privacy laws:

- To respond to and manage inquiries concerning the company, services/products, investment, career opportunities, website management.
- To provide events and other services, and to carry out email marketing activities
- To respond to event-related inquiries, confirm users’ identity for their participation in events, and prepare, conduct, review, and manage events based on customer requirements.

5. The outside service provider’s retention period of personal information

The Company shall retain the user’s personal information until consent is withdrawn. The Company shall immediately destroy the information upon withdrawal of consent. However, if the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company shall retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

6. Refusal to Consent

Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

I confirm and agree my age is 14 years or above.

Transfer personal information to Samsung SDS global offices

Collected personal information is transferred to third parties as below. Please read the following details carefully before agreeing.

1. With whom we share your information

- Members of Samsung SDS offices at home and abroad using internet relevant services provided by the Company’s website(
- See Samsung SDS Korea and Global Offices

2. Purpose of Processing Personal Information

- Coordination and communication among members of Samsung SDS offices at home and abroad

3. Items of personal information collected

- Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
- Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
※ The company uses cookies to better user experience

4.  Retention of Collected Information

(1) Retention of information in accordance with the Company’s policies:
- Retained items: collected information under Article 1(1)
- Reason for retention: To manage users’ activity history
- Retention period: Until consent is withdrawn.

(2) Retention of information as required under applicable laws and regulations
If the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, the Company will retain the information for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

5. Refusal to Consent

Users have the right to refuse collection of information. There may be restrictions in service if user refuse to consent.

※ For further information, please refer to the Privacy Policy on the Samsung SDS website. (

I would like to receive further communication from Samsung SDS.

Please read carefully the following details on the collection and use of personal information before allowing to receive further communication from Samsung SDS.

1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

To send marketing materials such as news on latest releases of Samsung SDS solutions, events, and newsletters via email, and gifts.

2. Items of personal information collected

- Required information: Name, Email address, Contact Number
- Optional Information: Company name, User’s Department, User’s Job Title at user’s company
※ We use cookies to improve your experience

3. Retention of Collected Personal Information

The Company shall retain the user’s personal information until consent is withdrawn. The Company shall immediately destroy the information upon withdrawal of consent. However, if the retention of any personal information is required under applicable laws and regulations, such information shall be retained for a period in accordance with these laws and regulations.

4. You have the right to refuse to collection of information.

There may be restrictions in receiving information on Samsung SDS solutions and events if user refuse to consent.

※ Please refer to the Privacy Policy available at Samsung SDS website( for more details on the collection and usage of personal information.