Prashant Vithlani
Most companies have digital marketing platforms. They want their clients to stay on their websites longer and visit frequently. The investment is being made huge in CX platforms to follow current CX trends such as immersive customer experience, deeper personalization, evolved and seamless experiences as well as reshaping CX for customer well-being and sentiment.
Namyong Jo, Sanghyun Lee
Responsibility and ethics are generally ascribed to human beings, while trust is used for trustworthy technologies and tools and are relatively easy to define and measure the performance of with many already developed measurement tools.
Woojin Dong
We will discuss what we should do to build a data-driven company, the goal of digital transformation we discussed in the previous issue. Let's find out what we should drive as data, how to remove inhibitors along the way to achieve operation based on data, and how to create enablers.
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