
Firewalls for Connecting Traffic of VPC with Internet and Customer Network

Firewall provides logical firewalls for the traffic generated in Internet Gateway, VPC Peering, Transit Gateway, Direct Connect, and Load Balancer. Network security is ensured by setting inbound/outbound rules on communications between VPC and the Internet, VPC and customer network, and Load Balancer and servers, as well as among VPCs. Firewall rules can also be applied in batch for firewall migration, reducing work hours and risk of possible omissions.




Service Architecture

  • Customer Network → Transit Gateway Firewall → VPC1 (VM, VM ...)
  • Internet → Internet Gateway Firewall → VPC1 (VM, VM ...)
  • Customer Network → Direct Connect Firewall → VPC1 (VM, VM ...)
  • VPC2 (VM, VM ...) → VPC Peering Firewall → VPC Peering Firewall → VPC1 (VM, VM ...) → Load Balancer Firewall → Load Balancer

Key Features

  • Internet Gateway Firewall

    - Firewall rules and logging for VPC and Internet connection

  • VPC Peering Firewall

    - Firewall rules and logging for connection between VPCs

  • Transit Gateway Firewall

    - Firewall rules and logging for connection between customer network and multiple VPCs
    - Separate rules may apply to each Transit Gateway to be connected to each VPC

  • Direct Connect Firewall

    - Firewall rules and logging for 1:1 connection between customer network and VPC

  • Load Balancer Firewall

    - Firewall rules and logging for connection between external network and Load Balancer; Load Balancer and servers within VPC


    • Billing
    • Firewall is available for free
    • To save security logs, storage usage is charged additionally
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