Cloud Monitoring

Support for Reliable Operation of Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud Monitoring collects resource usage status, changes, and logs of infrastructure resources in operation and notifies the user if the pre-set threshold is exceeded by creating an event. The service enables users to rapidly respond to performance degradation and failure while conveniently developing resource expansion plans for reliable computing environments.




Service Architecture

  1. User
  2. View
  3. Dashboard
  1. Dashboard
  2. Event Notification
  3. User
Performance Data
  1. VM, BM, DB
  2. Filebeat/Winlogbeat
  3. Data Collector
  4. Performance data collection/Event processing
  1. Kubernetes Engine
  2. Data Collector
  3. Performance data collection/Event processing
  1. File Storage, Load Balancer, VPC
  2. Data Collector
  3. Performance data collection/Event processing
Log Data
  1. Metricbeat
  2. Filebeat/Winlogbeat
  3. Data Collector
  4. Log data collection/Event processing
  1. Kubernetes Engine
  2. Filebeat
  3. Data Collector
  4. Log data collection/Event processing

Key Features

  • Integrated dashboard creation/management

    - Project dashboard
      · Number of key products, operation status (running/down), number of events by risk category (fatal/warning/information), and top 5 performance (CPU, memory, and storage), event maps, and unresolved event list
    - User-defined dashboard
      · Basic widgets : Title, event list (resolved/unresolved), operation status, event status, etc.
      · User widgets : Time series graphs by product/collection item, comparison charts, status index, instance maps (events), etc.

  • Event/notification management

    - Select event index : Event patterns, scheduling, conditions, target data, etc.
    - Set custom defined events : Monitoring targets, risk, performance items, event rules, etc.
    - Event notification filtering
    - Manage notification contacts and event notification types (email, SMS, etc.)

  • Log monitoring

    - View logs by project : Cumulative number of logs, number and cumulative rate of daily logs, and number of logs for each target
    - Collect/store/search logs (1GB storage included)
    - Export searched log data (Excel files)
    - Index search keyword events and send notifications


    • Basic monitoring is provided for free
    • ※ Transition to paid services for detailed monitoring will be notified in advance
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Whether you’re looking for a specific business solution or just need some questions answered, we’re here to help
