[{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1285868", "title": "The Future of Fintech and Digital Finance", "eyebrow": "Finance", "content": "We will look at the current state of fintech, the digital innovation of finance, and how AI will revolutionize finance and create new user experiences and markets in the future.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/10/14/thumb_en_1014.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/future-digital-finance.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 14, 2024", "solutionid": "sol_a,sol_047," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1285797", "title": "Case Study: Samsung Biologics Automates Generative AI-Based Works", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "This article is based on the session titled \"Generative AI-Based Workflow Automation\" by Seongil Cho, Vice President and Team Leader of Samsung Biologics, presented during the \"Brity Automation Summit 2024,\" a conference hosted by...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/10/04/thumb.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/samsung-biologics-case-with-brity-automation.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 07, 2024", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1285615", "title": "The Economics of AI: Cost Optimization Strategies for a Successful AI Business", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "This article discusses the issue of AI copying existing creative works without permission, and introduces the definition of AI plagiarism, detection techniques, and solutions to prevent it.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/09/26/thumb_en_0926.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/the-economics-of-ai.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 30, 2024", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1285525", "title": "Three Must-Know Digital Finance Trends and Utilization Strategies", "eyebrow": "Finance", "content": "This article is based on the sessions on 'Top 3 Digital Finance Trends You Need to Know Now' and 'Strategies for Generative AI Utilization by Financial Institutions' during the \"Samsung SDS Gen AI Day\" seminar held by Samsung SDS ...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/09/23/thumb_en_0923.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/trends-in-digital-finance.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 23, 2024", "solutionid": "sol_a,sol_072,sol_261,sol_291,sol_304," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281855", "title": "Innovations in Contents Management to Keep Customers Stay Longer and Visit More Frequently", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Most companies have digital marketing platforms. They want their clients to stay on their websites longer and visit frequently. The investment is being made huge in CX platforms to follow current CX trends such as immersive custom...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/01.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud-migration-to-adobe-experience-manager.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 26, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2,sol_217," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281554", "title": "AI Ethics and AI Governance - The Social Responsibility of AI", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "Responsibility and ethics are generally ascribed to human beings, while trust is used for trustworthy technologies and tools and are relatively easy to define and measure the performance of with many already developed measurement ...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/02.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/ai_governance.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 01, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281501", "title": "Digital Transformation Approach 2", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "We will discuss what we should do to build a data-driven company, the goal of digital transformation we discussed in the previous issue. Let's find out what we should drive as data, how to remove inhibitors along the way to achiev...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/03.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/digital_trans_approach2.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 25, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_164," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281459", "title": "Digital Transformation Approach 1", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "We will discuss the topics of digital transformation, which is now a familiar concept and promoted by many companies, and how to promote digital transformation.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/04_1.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/digital_trans_approach1.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 18, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_164," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281369", "title": "A Comprehensive Collaboration Suite to Optimize Digital Employee Experience", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "The collaboration tools, which share tacit knowledge within the company and help collaboration, maximize work efficiency.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/05.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brity_works.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 11, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_7," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281329", "title": "Smart Office to Support Business Innovation", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Smart offices refer to providing a company's work environment optimized for smart work, digital work, and remote meetings.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/06.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/smart_office.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 04, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_092," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281246", "title": "Digital Business Requirements in the Era of Hyper-Personalization", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "Hyper-personalization for customers should, at least, recommend the right products or services based on a thorough understanding of each individual or suggest unexpected discoveries that suit customers' tastes.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/07.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/hyper_personalization.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 28, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_c," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1281186", "title": "An Enterprise NFT, How to Use It, and How to Develop It", "eyebrow": "Blockchain", "content": "NFTs may be either personal speculation or investment, but why are companies interested in them? What effective value do enterprise NFTs have and what do we need to actualize them?", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/08.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/enterprise__nft.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 21, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_4," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1280998", "title": "Does Your Company Have a Data Culture?", "eyebrow": "Data/Analytics", "content": "The data culture is a comprehensive concept emerging everywhere the importance of data is discussed, such as data organizations and data-driven decision processes, and is the most important topic for all data leaders responsible f...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/09.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/data_culture.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 14, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_1,sol_066," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1280567", "title": "Four Big IT Transformations for Enterprise Agility", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Organizations with agility are designed with both stability and dynamicity. It consists of team networks whose characteristics are rapid learning and short decision-making cycles with the common goal of creating value for all stak...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/06/18/10.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/enterprise_agility.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 07, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1280565", "title": "Samsung SDS Earns Recognition as 2023 Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders", "eyebrow": "SDS Story", "content": "Samsung SDS was the only Korean company to be selected in the 'Business & Professional Services' industry at the 2023 Asia-Pacific Climate Leaders.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/07/06/t.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/climateleader.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 06, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1280459", "title": "The Connection between the Brand and Customers", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "We will go through the differentiated community operations strategies of major global brands with examples.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/06/30/brand_customer_link_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brand_customer_link.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 30, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_c," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1280139", "title": "Strategies for Building an Enterprise Document Streaming Service", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "This article will discuss document streaming solutions for enterprises that meet the needs of the market, especially in the mobile environment, based on my experience. I will introduce what kind of system it is and what strategies...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/06/23/document_streaming_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/document_streaming.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 23, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_220," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1279896", "title": "An Agile Approach, the Core of Corporate DT for Working Culture Innovation", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "The purpose of an Agile structure is to remove inefficiencies for an organization's agility and make decisions based on customer value. To do so, we should focus on finding and boldly removing the inefficiencies in work.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/06/16/agile_approach_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/agile_approach.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 16, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_052," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1279517", "title": "The impact of digital payments according to changes in the digital environment", "eyebrow": "Finance", "content": "The development of online payment systems, such as fintech, and delivery and logistics structures, is accelerating the growth of the e-commerce market along with the impact of COVID-19.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/06/09/digital_payment_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/digital_payment.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 09, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_a,sol_047,sol_072," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1279049", "title": "Digital ESG, a Critical Success Factor for ESG", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "How active your company is in finding the answer for digital ESG will define the success and failure of the ESG strategy in the next two to three years.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/06/01/esg_digital_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/esg_digital.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 02, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1278918", "title": "The Chronicles of Cloud Computing", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "The term “cloud” was first used by the marketing executive George Favaloro, and an engineer, Sean O’Sullivan, at Compaq in 1996. Their concept was similar to the current cloud vision, and they even tried to make a business out of ...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/05/26/Cloud_chronicle_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_chronicle.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 26, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1278638", "title": "The Era of Data Transformation", "eyebrow": "Data/Analytics", "content": "Data is the most important core and the first step in a company's digital transformation. Whether using AI, cloud, or any other technology, the core of a company's DT competitiveness is data.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/05/19/digital_transformation_era_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/digital_transformation_era.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 19, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_1,sol_066," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1278543", "title": "Design thinking ⑪ - How to respond smartly to VUCA World", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "We are facing various types of VUCA situations, including the COVID-19 pandemic, more frequently. In addition to this, these situations lead to more complex and ambiguous problems, and require consilience, expertise, and even the ...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/05/12/vuca_world_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/vuca_world.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 12, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_053," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1278351", "title": "What is ERP Bolt-On MDM?", "eyebrow": "Manufacturing", "content": "This column is focused on companies that have introduced the ERP system (SAP ERP) or are considering introducing it. For companies before introducing the master data management (MDM) system, this column aims to describe a method t...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/04/28/erp_bolt_on_mdm_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/erp_bolt_on_mdm.html", "releaseDate": "APR 28, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_051," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277823", "title": "Finding the Best Cloud Adoption Strategy", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Cloud adoption strategies adopted by companies will differ depending on the size and characteristics of the companies. Let’s explore various strategies for transitioning to the cloud.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/04/24/a_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud-adoption-strategy.html", "releaseDate": "APR 25, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277787", "title": "Cloud-First Strategy to Accelerate Digital Transformation", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Maintaining competitiveness through new business requires new strategies. The cloud-first strategy reviews cloud solutions first when developing new applications or improving currently-used ones.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/04/21/cloud_first_strategy_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_first_strategy.html", "releaseDate": "APR 21, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277761", "title": "Next-Generation UX: What Should Be Considered in Terms of Successful UI/UX", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "We need to know what cases go against the aforementioned characteristics, and what success factors are applied commonly without exception. To do that, we will take a look at typical successful companies.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/04/14/next_ux_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/next_ux.html", "releaseDate": "APR 14, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_c," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277704", "title": "The Evolution of RPA with AI", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "RPA will evolve into the complete form of AI in the future, and Cognitive Automation can play a practical role in the evolution of RPA in the process. In other words, the existing RPA does the automated tasks across multiple and c...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/04/07/Intelligent_RPA_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/intelligent_rpa.html", "releaseDate": "APR 07, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277376", "title": "MSP as a cloud beneficiary", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "The MSP domains can be divided into connecting the existing system and cloud when giving consultations on the introduction and migration of the cloud, developing infrastructure, platform, and applications for complete migration, a...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/03/23/cloud_MSP_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_msp.html", "releaseDate": "MAR 24, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2,sol_011,sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277359", "title": "What is the key factor of engineering for DevOps acceleration? ", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Agile and DevOps have become essential for organizations to value and seek out. In some industries, those even influence the survival of the business. Organizations that have partially adopted DevOps already should try to apply it...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/03/17/devops_acceleration_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/devops_acceleration.html", "releaseDate": "MAR 17, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277203", "title": "Introducing the cloud reduces costs unconditionally? Wait a minute…", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "For many companies, relocating workloads that have already been put into the cloud is not easy to justify, given the amount of effort involved. Nevertheless, it is necessary to constantly analyze and redeploy workloads.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/03/09/Cloud_repatriation_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_repatriation.html", "releaseDate": "MAR 10, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2,sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277153", "title": "The Beginning of Digital Transition, Cloud Migration - 2 How to Increase the Possibility for Success", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Cloud migration starts with “why.” Why do you move to the cloud? It is important to specify the purpose of migration and set aggressive goals for innovation. Next is to make plans for what to migrate and how. Define migration obje...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/03/03/cloud_migration_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_migration2.html", "releaseDate": "MAR 03, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_011,sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277119", "title": "Conversational AI War Begins. Who Will Be the Winner?", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Conversational AI War Begins. Who Will Be the Winner?", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/27/t_1.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/conversationalaiwarbeginswhowillbethewinner.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 28, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277114", "title": "The Beginning of Digital Transition, Cloud Migration - 1 Growing Market", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "During the spread of COVID-19, companies changed their way of working to \"untact\" (no contact), and many are rushing for digital transition to secure differentiated value for their businesses. New digital technologies that require...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/24/cloud_migration_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cloud_migration.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 24, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_011,sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277051", "title": "NFT, Would It Be Used for Anything Other than Collecting?", "eyebrow": "Blockchain", "content": "I think NFTs are a key to Web3. In the existing Web 2.0, more people participated and contributed to sharing information and communication, but on the other hand, centralization solidified winner-takes-all platforms. Web3 is a mov...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/17/nft_collections_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/nft_collections.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 17, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_4," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1277036", "title": "What Is Matter, the New Smart Home Standard?", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Let’s learn about the emergence of Matter, a standard IoT protocol, and the acceleration of the smart home era.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/16/t.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/what-is-matter-the-new-smart-home-standard.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 17, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276937", "title": "Amazon Earns from Logistics", "eyebrow": "Logistics", "content": "You can see articles about Amazon almost everyday. You can read about Amazon Go's unmanned stores, Dash buttons, aircraft purchases for drone delivery services, Amazon acquiring WholeFoods for two-hour delivery, investing in auton...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/10/amazon_flex_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/amazon_flex.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 10, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_3," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276914", "title": "The Skyrocketing UI Design Authoring Tool, Figma", "eyebrow": "Digital Transformation", "content": "In the current UI design field, exclusive authoring tools, such as Sketch, Figma, and XD are popular rather than the existing Photoshop.I mainly use Sketch, sometimes XD. Sketch obviously has its advantages, but it is Mac-only whi...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/02/03/Figma_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/figma.html", "releaseDate": "FEB 03, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_c," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276845", "title": "2023 Forecast for Technology Trends", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Let's take a look at the outlook on key technological trends of 2023 announced by major technology research firms.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/25/t.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/2023-forecast-for-technology-trends.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 30, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276851", "title": "Evolution to MyData 2.0", "eyebrow": "Finance", "content": "Many MyData operators are already collecting and servicing personal asset information by combining vehicle or real estate market prices with personal information. New personal information was created by combining information discl...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/27/mydata2.0_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/mydata2.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 27, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_a," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276470", "title": "How Zero Touch Deployment Boosts Competitive Edge in the Marketplace | Samsung SDS", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Zero touch deployment (also known as zero touch provisioning) has been a hot button topic with the rise of remote and hybrid work worldwide. Remote work is here to stay for the foreseeable future, so it’s important to ensure that ...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2024/07/24/zerotouch_thumb.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/ztm-in-a-competitive-edge.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 25, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_6,sol_7," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276839", "title": "Internet, Evolution to Web 3.0", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Some are concerned that Web 3.0 may become a new form of centralization rather than decentralization. In addition, there are numerous issues to consider, such as massive data processing technology and device advancement and distri...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/20/web3.0_thumbnail.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/web3.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 20, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_2," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276769", "title": "Enhancing Your Organization’s Telehealth And Telemedicine Services | Samsung SDS", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Telehealth has been on a major path of growth over the last few years as physicians, administrators and patients alike have learned about its wide range of benefits. In the aftermath of the pandemic, interest in telehealth is beco...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/19/conf_1.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/telehealth-service.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 17, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_i," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276502", "title": "Why Enterprise Mobility Solutions Are Critical For Any Organization To Invest In | Samsung SDS", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "The world has become far more mobile due to the major shift toward hybrid and remote workforces. Mobile devices are used constantly by employees - even if they’re in the office. From responding to emails to brushing up on informat...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/19/em_3_1.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/why-enterprise-mobility-are-critical.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 17, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_033," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276471", "title": "Decreasing Abandonment Rates With Simplified Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) | Samsung SDS", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Medical facilities around the world have been starting to adopt remote patient monitoring and telehealth solutions in order to provide the best possible treatment for their patients while minimizing time spent on hospital grounds....", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2023/01/13/rpm_thumb.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/simplified-rpm-abandonment-reduction.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 17, 2023", "solutionid": "sol_i," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276452", "title": "Low-code and No-code Enabling Application Development for All", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Low-code and no-code, which fall under the category of robot process automation (RPA), are emerging as a new alternative to existing development methods.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/12/09/tt.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/lowcodenocode.html", "releaseDate": "JAN 04, 2023", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276197", "title": "Brity RPA WORLD where Humans and Robots Collaborate", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "Thanks to Brity RPA, now you can experience an automated world where humans and robots collaborate, just like in a science fiction movie! Take a look around Brity RPA WORLD and see how Brity RPA is always by your side, whether you...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/11/28/썸네일_01(900x600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brity-rpa-world-video.html", "releaseDate": "NOV 29, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276106", "title": "Multimodal AI That Thinks Like Humans ", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "Nowadays, AI learns in the same way humans understand objects in several ways. Multimodality was developed based on the idea that AI needs to learn the same way humans do to communicate with them", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/11/15/t.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/multimodal-ai-that-thinks-like-humans.html", "releaseDate": "NOV 22, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1276068", "title": "Damages of Media Forgery and Companies that Offer Forgery Prevention Technologies", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "Let's look at some notable examples of media forgery, and examine areas where forgery prevention technologies can be applied as well as the rival companies that competes in this field.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/11/08/t_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/media-forgergy-damages.html", "releaseDate": "NOV 09, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1275998", "title": "Brightics Visual Search Claims 6th Place in NIST FRVT “Face Mask Effects” Category", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "The face recognition algorithm of Brightics Visual Search, Samsung SDS’s visual analytics solution, took 6th place in the “Face Mask Effects” category of the latest Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT).", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/10/28/m.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brightics-visual-search-claims-6th-place-in-nist-frvt-face-mask-effect-category.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 31, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_005," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1275966", "title": "Achieve Complete Task Automation with Brity Automation Platform!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "Tired of doing task automation in a piecemeal fashion? Brity Automation Platform provides E2E process automation to integrate task automation between different systems while leveraging real-time notifications for better communicat...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/10/24/썸네일_영문_SDS스토리_(900X600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brity-automation-platform.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 26, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1275767", "title": "Empowerment, Granting the Authority or Power to Perform Various Tasks", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Companies are seeking ways to offer products that meet their customers' needs in fast and timely manner. Find out efforts necessary to deliver extraordinary products to customers by looking into the word “empowerment.”", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/10/12/i_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/1275767_6122.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 12, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1275534", "title": "Cheapfakes on the Rise in Zero Contact Environments ", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "The rise of the “zero contact economy” driven by the pandemic has led to the growth of mobile-based financial transactions. The consumer complaints related to such transactions are also on the rise, such as the complaints on finan...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/09/29/a_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/cheapfakes_on_the_rise.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 05, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1272917", "title": "The Way IT Companies Work 3: Hacking Originating From Clever Pranksters of MIT", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Looking at hackers that appear in movies or crimes, one may notice how the word “hacking” has come to have a meaning that is quite different from what it originally meant. Hacking is in fact a time-honored culture that began at th...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/09/22/c_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/way-it-companies-work-3.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 27, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1271850", "title": "The Way IT Companies Work 2: Agile, Starting the Day with Stand-up Meeting", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Stand-up meeting, also referred to as daily scrum or check-in, is an innovative method that can help boost the productivity of companies, which is now being introduced in not only IT companies but also various other industries.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/09/05/c_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/way-it-companies-work-2.html", "releaseDate": "SEP 07, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1271182", "title": "The Way IT Companies Work 1: Leading the Trend towards “Cloud” ", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "In spy films like 'Mission: Impossible', we can see surprisingly fascinating technologies used for hacking. But this is just a movie far from reality because companies nowadays are adopting cloud.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/08/17/c_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/1271182_6122.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 18, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_012," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1270767", "title": "Is the Media You Are Watching "Real"?", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "Let's go through various cases of deepfakes. Results of media synthesis by the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) are like two sides of a coin, having both positive and negative aspects.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/08/03/t_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/deepfake-usecase.html", "releaseDate": "AUG 04, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1270492", "title": "Why App Modernization and Cloud Migration are Imperative for All Companies", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Let's take a look at why many companies are focusing on digital transformation and cloud, as well as application modernization that converts existing applications to cloud-based apps.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/07/25/c_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/app-modernization.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 27, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1270053", "title": "What Is Proactive Media Forgery Prevention?", "eyebrow": "Cloud", "content": "Check out technologies related to proactive media forgery prevention.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/07/08/t_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/proactive-media-forgery.html", "releaseDate": "JUL 11, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1269061", "title": "Brity RPA on a Mission to Rescue the Financial Industry from Repetitive Tasks!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "The screams of another office worker suffering from repetitive tasks and overtime! Brity RPA has had enough and is now on a mission to defeat the villains pushing repetitive tasks while freeing workers so they can go home!", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/06/22/키몽_썸네일(900X600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brity-rpa-financial-industry.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 23, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1266528", "title": "Leave Simple Manual Tasks to the Task Fairy, Brity RPA!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "Enhance your public services with BrityRPA! Brity RPA automates repetitive tasks so that you can focus on better serving your community.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/06/09/키몽_썸네일_영문(900X600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/task-fairy-brity-rpa.html", "releaseDate": "JUN 10, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1266314", "title": "Brightics Visual Search Algorithm Claims 5th Place in NIST Face Recognition Vendor Test", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "The face recognition algorithm of Samsung SDS’s Brightics Visual Search claimed fifth place in “NIST FRVT* 1:1 Verification.”", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/05/27/c_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brightics-visual-search-algorithm-claims-5th-place-in-nist-face-recognition-vendor-test.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 30, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1,sol_005," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1266222", "title": "Brity RPA, working non-stop to liberate office workers from busy work!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "Can inexperienced developers easily develop RPA scenarios? With Brity RPA they can! Say goodbye to the shackles of working overtime and infinitely expand the realm of automation with Brity RPA!", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/05/23/220519_썸네일(900x600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brityrpa-to-liberate-office-workers.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 25, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1266215", "title": "What Are Cheapfakes (Shallowfakes)?", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "Let's find out how media was tampered with before the deepfake technology emerged.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/05/20/2_T.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/what-are-cheapfakes.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 23, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1265603", "title": "Don’t let simple repetitive tasks get in the way of your great ideas!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "From checking orders to defect status... when will I be able to present my good ideas amidst these never ending repetitive tasks?!?! Brity RPA comes to the rescue of overwhelmed employees. Now, all you have to do is come up with b...", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/05/10/220509_썸네일(900x600).png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/dont-let-simple-repetitive-tasks-get-in-the-way-of-your-great-ideas.html", "releaseDate": "MAY 11, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_7,sol_006," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1261386", "title": "Which One Is Real? Generating and Detecting Deepfakes", "eyebrow": "Artificial Intelligence", "content": "The word “deepfake” is said to have originated from a user’s nickname who uploaded a synthetic image on the US online community Reddit in 2017. Let’s take a detailed look into what deepfake is.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/04/26/t_T.jpeg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/generating_and_detecting_deepfakes.html", "releaseDate": "APR 28, 2022", "solutionid": "sol_1,sol_003,sol_004,sol_005," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1261024", "title": "Green IT to Save the Earth", "eyebrow": "IT Technology", "content": "Interest in eco-friendly products such as paper straws, label-free bottled water, and upcycling is growing. Let's find out how IT technologies are used to protect the environment and save the earth.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2022/03/25/it_t.png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/green-it-to-save-the-earth.html", "releaseDate": "MAR 28, 2022", "solutionid": "" },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1258923", "title": "Brightics IoT 3.0 with Enhanced Data Processing Technology Listed in Global Market Research Reports", "eyebrow": "SDS Story", "content": "Brightics IoT 3.0 with Enhanced Data Processing Technology Listed in Global Market Research Reports", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/12/09/ttt.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brightics-iot-with-enhanced-data-processing-technology-listed-in-global-research-reports.html", "releaseDate": "DEC 10, 2021", "solutionid": "sol_8," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1258864", "title": "Brightics Visual Search Acknowledged in Global Market Research Reports", "eyebrow": "SDS Story", "content": "Samsung SDS’s AI video analytics solution Brightics Visual Search continues to gain strong global awareness.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/12/06/tt_1.jpg?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brightics-visual-search-acknowledged-in-global-market-research-reports.html", "releaseDate": "DEC 06, 2021", "solutionid": "sol_1,sol_005," },{ "artcatid": "in3_2", "artid": "1258497", "title": "Brity RPA is Becoming More Intelligent Every Day!", "eyebrow": "Automation/Collaboration", "content": "Brity RPA is becoming more intelligent every day with new AI technologies such as Conversational AI, Text Understanding, Visual AI and AI Analytics. Let’s see what our Brity RPA can do in the future through the webcomics.", "thumbnail": "https://image.samsungsds.com/in/insights/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2021/10/22/ttt.png?queryString=20241014011511", "link": "/in/insights/brity-rpa-is-becoming-more-intelligent-every-day.html", "releaseDate": "OCT 20, 2021", "solutionid": "sol_006," }]