지난 이벤트

Cello Tech Fair 2019

  • 삼성SDS 판교Campus
  • 경기도, 대한민국
  • 2019/09/05 ~ 05

Cello Tech Fair 2019 (2019. 09.05)

· 일 시: 2019. 09. 05

· 장 소: 판교Campus

· 주 제: Reshape the Future of Your Logistics with Cello Square

· 참 석: 총 190개사 407명

· Agenda: General Session, 3 Tracks, 12 Presentations

- General Session: Opening & Keynote

- Track1. e-Commerce Tech

- Track2. Emerging Tech

- Track3. Cello Friends

Cello Tech Fair 2019 현장실사1
Cello Tech Fair 2019 현장실사2
Cello Tech Fair 2019 현장실사3
Cello Tech Fair 2019 현장실사4
