Brightics Visual Search

AI media search platform powered by analytics and knowledge graphs

AI media search platform finds the most valuable moments you need

It is a knowledge graph-based media search platform that can be applied to all businesses where video is used.
AI media analysis and search improves business competitiveness and contributes to discovering new businesses.

Major Services

  • Provides video search/analysis service that finds the desired scene through video analysis




  • Unstructured media data analytics

    Utilize natural language processing technologies such as advanced named-entity recognition as well as situation, subtitle, sound and scene change analytics.

  • Fast image AI search

    Quickly search images with less than one second required to search a library consisting of more than 30 million images. Ensure consistent log scale search speed as search speed does not increase in proportion with data growth.

  • Knowledge graph analytics

    Take advantage of our search platform that not only constructs knowledge graphs using keywords derived from content analytics but also deduces content correlation.

  • Optimized content recommendations

    Enjoy recommendations based on a wide variety of algorithms including collaborative filtering as well as content and knowledge graph based inferences.


  • Brightics Visual Search maximizes our ad exposure by automatically mapping the most relevant ad using intelligent video analytics. As a result, we have automated manual tasks that would have previously taken several days.

    Brightics Visual Search maximizes our ad exposure by automatically mapping the most relevant ad using intelligent video analytics. As a result, we have automated manual tasks that would have previously taken several days.

    "Brightics Visual Search maximizes our ad exposure by automatically mapping the most relevant ad using intelligent video analytics. As a result, we have automated manual tasks that would have previously taken several days."

    Planning Team, Gom & Company



Analyst Reports

  • Samsung SDS was positioned as a Major Player in the 2021 APEJ IDC MarketScape for Vision AI Software Platform.

    MarketScape Asia/Pacific (Excluding Japan) Vision AI Software Platform 2021 Vendor Assessment, IDC



Use Cases

    Let’s talk

    Whether you’re looking for a specific business solution or just need some questions answered, we’re here to help