Digital Accelerator

The New Way of Working for Digital Business

Reimagine the way you work, succeed in digital transformation

You've got to change the work of working and adopt a smarter development environment to quickly introduce new services and update existing applications at a speed of business innovation.
Digital Accelerator shares Samsung SDS's digital transformation knowhow and methodology while providing a development environment to deliver a successful Digital Transformation in this constantly changing market. Accelerate your Digital Transformation with CX (service design), Agile development culture (speedy response to change), cloud-based development and development environments designed for numerous interfaces implementation.
  • CX Innovation

    Apply Design Thinking and creative problem solving approaches to improve SX design and customer value

  • Agile Approach

    Development culture and practices to adapt to change with speed and agility

  • Development Platform

    Cloud-based development environment, integration of internal/external services, interface with legacy systems

Kết cấu

Take a closer look at Digital Accelerator

※ Click on each offering to learn more.

  • Phase
    • Door Open : Consulting
    • Discover : Share Vision & Consensus
    • Define : Understand & Define Issues
    • Create : Realize Idea
    • Delivery : Define Requirements – Architecture – Build – Implement – Repeat Execution
  • CX Innovation : Service Design, UI/UX Design, Usability Test
  • Agile Approach : Innovation Consulting, Lean Product Development, Training & Certification
  • Development Platform : Front-end Development, Back-end Development, SW Asset Reuse, DevOps Service
Service Design

Develop new business or service models. Innovate CX value to create Digital Space and IT Systems for novel experience

UI/UX Design

Develop strategies based on good understanding of customer context to improve usability of services or systems. Set and apply design directions to enhance work efficiency

Usability Test

Use the proven UX research methodology to measure CX maturity, quickly identify issues and recommend areas of improvement for usability

Innovation Consulting

Systematically evaluate the present situation of your organization. The customizable program basically provides organizational consulting to improve organizational culture and physical environment, along with technical consulting that opens an opportunity to make best use of the latest technology

Lean Product Development

A customer and an expert coach together develop MVP (Most Viable Product) or products as one team. This process allows customers to gain practical Agile knowhow while creating truly user-centric products

Training & Certification

Agile expert coaches deliver role- and level-based Agile training in our proprietary Agile course and internationally accredited ICAgile certification program

Front-end Development

The UI development tool is based on the latest web technology to support Drag&Drop interface, and includes design assets and standard guidelines for UX trends and usability.

Back-end Development

Channel Integrator supports the development framework, AIP management and legacy system interface to automate repetitive code work and ensure performance and stability.

SW Asset Reuse

Try the asset search and recommendation features for improved lifecycle management and efficient use of reusable assets. Move around simple data or large volumes of data for better data use.

DevOps Service

Consulting helps you build a cloud-based Tool Chain of all stages (development to operations), design automation, develop Dev/Ops collaboration plans and ensure operational stability.

Dịch vụ chính

Accelerate business service and IT transformation, using Digital Accelerator

  • the world's top 4 design awards 60-time winner
  • Agile in Korea Leader
  • Delivery Cycle 50% faster


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